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Author: Ruth E. Groenhout

ISBN: 9780429444937


Edition: 1st Edition

Publisher: New York Routledge 2018

Length: 170

Format: eBook

Language Note: English

Subject(s): Health and Social Care, Humanities, Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing & Allied Health, Social Sciences

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This book examines the central structures in medicine—medical knowledge, economics, technological innovation, and medical authority—from the perspective of an ethics of care. The author analyzes each of these structures in detail before considering the challenges they present to end of life care. The perspective of an ethics of care allows for a careful focus on how these structures affect the capacity of the health care system to provide the care patients need, on the impact they have on the relationships between patients and care-givers, and on how they affect the care-givers in terms of their own sense of identity and capacity for care. This book offers one of the first focused discussions of an ethics of care across a wide range of social issues and structures in contemporary medicine. It will be of keen interest to advanced students and scholars in bioethics and health care ethics who are interested in these important issues.